Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Favorite Dog...

I received my most dreaded message yesterday from a friend of mine whom I haven't seen for awhile. He's the owner of the most loyal and beautiful Lab I've ever met. His name (the dog) was Joey. When Joey and I first met years ago, we immediately took a great liking to each other. I adored him and he adored me, we were inseparable when we hung out together. He was also very old at that point, around 16 years old with a bad hip, so it was amazing when he always acted like a little puppy when he saw me. He would always jumped up to greet me when he saw me, then he'd follow me around until one of us had to leave...

Anyway, I just got the message that he passed away on Sunday morning...At least he's not in pain anymore...

RIP my joe...


  1. He was a pretty pooch, I love the picture with the purple flower in his collar. It is so hard to loose a pet. Sixteen is pretty old for a big dog. I am sorry for you and your friend's loss.

  2. Thanks Heather, he actually lived til 19 yrs old. I will miss him so much!

  3. Hello
    you've been nominated and won the Sunshine Blog Award for your blog and your selfless act in promoting others.
    Please see my post at

  4. He sounds like a great dog!! It is hard to lose a beloved animal! Congrats on your new Sunshine Blog Award!

  5. Thanks Jennifer! I miss Joey already...
